
Friday 10 April 2020

The Critical Difference Between a Table Tennis Player and a Table Tennis Athlete

Well overdue for some blog post additions to my coaching blog, and here is one I hold in very high regard. People often ask what it takes to become a top table tennis player, well that line says it all in itself. I like to separate the term player and athlete, because I believe there are key differences in how people approach these and their attitudes and mentality. I will explain.

The steps to become a table tennis 'athlete'
and a potential professional

Thursday 2 April 2020

Learn the Topspin Hook Kick Table Tennis Serve

This service tutorial is all about the hook serve and how we can produce as much topspin kick on the ball as possible.

You can find this video and more service tutorials in my Service Masterclass Playlist at:
- MHTableTennis Service Masterclass YouTube Playlist

Learn a heavy topspin kick serve