Tuesday 11 March 2014

Man vs. Robot Video an Entertaining Disappointment

Like many people around the globe I was intruiged to see the match between Agilus, the Kuka Robot proclaimed the fastest robot in the world and former World Number 1 Timo Boll. After watching the teaser I took quite an interest and like others I eagerly awaited the release of the 'deathmatch' between Man and Robot. You can watch the teaser below.

So finally the video was released of the showdown between the two. There are positives and negatives but overall I found the video disappointing. On the plus side the camera work and quality of the video are fantastic, it is perfect as a promotional video. The storyline is a bit predictable, robot wins first 6 points and looks untouchable then Timo comes back to win in the clutches of the set 11-9. It's a bit cliche.

Here is the actual match below

Perhaps most disappointing of all is the amount of CGI (computer graphics) used, this is (as labelled in one news article) a 'glorified commercial'. We did not get the real match we were waiting for, just a partially entertaining, over-edited and terribly cliche performance.

I think in reality Timo would destroy the robot in a match, he is far too clever to lose 9 points. Please excuse the negative slur on the article but I was a bit disappointed with it! Would be interested to know what others thought of the showdown.


  1. Personally, I didn't have expectations at all. But as I shared the video on my web site's facebook page, some users said to be disappointed and to prefer the automatic robot by the German engineer. On other facebook pages in Spanish TT fans also complained about the video.

  2. Nope, I agree with you. It is made for it's purely commercial purpose nothing more to it lol

  3. Romina, that video is fake as well.

  4. it's BS to wait, but the ads and marketing is effective. The last part says it all.
    My comment is that everything is CGI they should have made it very nice and looks real, the camera angle is being lazy and cant see a good rally.

    Timo is overeacting. He should have helped the video editing and the whole production to make a real game play. Real game play that people wont notice that it is a CGI.

    very much frustrated.

    thanks for the BLOG!
    i want to hear from non TT player which are from robotics industry


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